Monday, November 22, 2021

Anti-War Websites

    Anti-war movement - Wikipedia

     The United States has been involved in unnecessary, endless wars for decades. Ever since the tragedy that happened on September 11, 2001, it seems like we are getting into a new war every other week. America is interfering in other countries' affairs when a lot of time it is not our job to be involved. On the surface, it appears we are trying to help other countries achieve peace and prosperity. You hear individuals in the Biden Administration say that the adults are back in the room. This applies to their thoughts on how business was conducted during the Trump Administration, but it can also apply to their thoughts on the rest of the world. America, especially the ruling class thinks they are smarter than other countries. They want to lecture other countries about the "right thing to do." This makes them feel like they should get involved in conflicts for virtually no reason. It's an opportunity to virtue signal.

         The opportunity to help other countries is not the only reason America gets involved in wars. The main reason we get involved is, for one thing, money. Fighting in wars is good for the bottom line. According to the U.S. Department of Defense, President Biden is requesting 715 billion dollars for the defense budget. War sells. People make money off of it. Right now there is no reason for us to be spending this much money on war. We are in no conflicts that are that important that we need to add more money to the national debt. Then you look at the companies profiting the most off of the war. They are making billions of dollars off selling weapons. These companies have no incentive to want wars to stop happening. There is money to be made by being involved in wars. 

Anti War Stencils | Free Printable Words & Quotes Stencils | Kidadl and  Words & Quotes Stencils | Free Printable Stencils | Kidadl

    The mainstream media have no desire to cover these pointless wars. They are shills for the ruling class and the global elitists, willing to say that the sky is green if they were told to by Big Brother. Since politicians and the people controlling politicians do not want wars to stop because of special interests, the media will not properly cover these wars. Children and innocent people are being bombed in other countries and most people do not know about it. That is why it is so important that some people in the media be willing to speak up about the mistreatment we are causing. Two of the sites committed to the anti-war agenda are and The American Conservative. They are committed to exposing the horrors of these wars. However, it is really hard to hear about these sites. I would not know who they were if Professor Smith had not told us to look at the sites. does not look like a professional site, as it relies on funding from the community to stay active. This is sad because they are putting important information out there, but will not gain the following they should. They are not going to become more well-known because they refuse to conform to the narrative. Since they will not do what they are told the mainstream media will bury them. These sites will be called conspiracy theorists or not promoted at all. Since it is clear the mainstream media will not call out what is going on around the war, that free speech activists from both sides of the political aisle promote websites like these. If the goal of the media is to keep citizens informed, these people must step up in so that democracy truly will not "die in the dark."

Anti-war statement of the Azerbaijani leftist youth

Anti-war websites:

The American Conservative

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