Monday, November 1, 2021

My Top Five Sources of News and Information

1. Twitter

        Twitter is the source I go to first for my news and information. It is a quick way to stay up to date with what is going on not just in the United States but the world as a whole. To be honest I think Twitter is terrible. It is a toxic website where people are hurtful and battling over truly dumb issues politically or not. However, Twitter is still the easiest way for me to be informed on a variety of different issues and it is the first place I visit when big news breaks.

2. YouTube

    I really enjoy being able to watch and listen to the news going on in the country. It has become increasingly difficult to sit down and read or watch the news on television. YouTube gives me the ability to access information that I can listen to while driving, going on walks, and hanging out. I watch some short news clips if I am trying to catch up on breaking news, but mostly I like to listen to political podcasts on YouTube to learn about a variety of issues. However, YouTube has a major problem and that is censorship. YouTube will ban a lot of opinions that do not agree with mainstream views from the Democratic Party and the media, making it hard for me to trust them since they are actively banning free speech.

3. locals

    To counteract censorship from the various big tech corporations content creators, mostly from the political right, use locals where they charge a monthly subscription fee in order to access content that would get them banned from YouTube. I like this because you can choose to support who you want and get information from, while the creators are able to speak freely on a subject. The issue with this site is that because you have to pay for the content you have to be selective with who you support and may be missing out on good content from creators who are less well known.


    USA TODAY was the first website I can remember reading political news on. My parents had it as the first page that would pop up when loading up the computer. The layout has always been aesthetically pleasing to me as it is broken up in an easy way for me to see the big stories. They break it up into different sections so you can look into several topics. USA TODAY like most other news websites runs news that benefits the Democratic Party so I feel if you read one of these websites you have read them all.

5. Fox News

     Because most websites are centered on highlighting the agenda of the Democratic Party I read Fox News as a way to get the perspective of the Republican Party. Fox News' website gives access to news articles and clips from their shows to help better understand the viewpoints of Republicans. Even if you do not like Fox News and think it is just propaganda I think it is an important website and channel to keep up with so you are not just completely indoctrinated by the mainstream agenda.

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